Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Top e learning and online education website:

best online education websites


Udemy is an e-learning platform, which offers a huge variety of free and premium courses ranging from Technology and Business to Music and Craftsmanship.


As digital marketers we have to stay up to date with the latest technologies and be able to understand how they work. You should at least know the basics of HTML and CSS. If you want to make yourself familiar with coding, check out Codecademy’s free courses.


More than 3.5 million students have already signed up for the 370 free courses from 69 different partners, including Ivy League universities like Brown, Columbia and Princeton.
The main difference between Coursera and other online education platforms is that all the courses take place within a certain time frame, usually a few weeks long. This means that you would have to adjust to the schedule, without having the full ability to learn at your own pace.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is probably the best known resource for online courses. It also helped me to pass quite a few finance-related courses in university.
Besides featuring over 4.100 different educational videos, students are able to see detailed study-performance statistics. All courses are being offered for free – no exceptions.

This are just few sites i will keep updating this list. Tell me your suggestions.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Few great thoughts on learning by great people. Source Forbes.com

1. I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.
--Franklin P. Adams
2. They know enough who know how to learn.
--Henry adams
3. The truth of it is, learning, like traveling and all other methods of improvement, as if finishes good sense, so it makes a silly man ten thousand times more insufferable by supplying variety of matter to his impertinence, and giving him an opportunity of abounding in absurdities.
--joseph addison
4. Learning is a treasury whose keys are queries.
--Arabian Proverb
5. To think of learning as a preparation for something beyond learning is a defeat of the process. The most important attitude that can be formed is that of desire to go on learning.
--Daniel Bell
6. Some will never learn anything because they understand everything too soon.
--Thomas Blount
7. If you want to earn more-learn more. If you want to get more out of the world you must put more into the world. For, after all, men will get no more out of life than they put into it.
--William J.H. Boetcker
8. The man who has ceased to learn ought not to be allowed to wander around loose in these dangerous days.
--M.M. Coady
9. Learning consists of ideas, and not of the noise that is made by the mouth.
--William Cobbett
10. He who learns but does not think is lost, he who thinks but does not learn is in danger.
11. We have an infinite amount to learn both from nature and from each other.
--John Glenn
12. He who devotes 16 hours a day to hard study may become as wise at 60 as he thought himself at 20.
--Mary Little
These are few thoughts on learning i choose from forbes list. Do tell me which one you like the most
Source:: Forbes.com

I saw a great post on forbes.com hope this might interests you. The Ten Life Lessons From Steve Jobs We Should Never Forget.

1. He loved what he did – his company, the people who worked there, their products – and couldn’t have done anything else.

2. Don’t tolerate bozos around you.

3. You can’t do it all yourself.

4. If you want to sell an idea, product or service, put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

5. Be the best at your niche in the world but don’t be so exclusive that a majority of the world can’t experience it.

6. You don’t beat the competition at their game. You redefine the game.

7. Don’t mess around with your health.

8. Never rest on your laurels.

9. It’s not just the package but also the presentation.

10. Are you doing work you’d be proud to show your friends and family?

I have highlighted the points to read the complete article you can always visit to the following link
The Ten Life Lessons From Steve Jobs We Should Never Forget Forbes.com

Sunday, July 27, 2014

How to Learn Effectively: To improve learning ability in classroom

Students who don't ace tests are often labelled as lazy or inattentive. If you aren't doing well inschool, or are struggling, then don't dismiss yourself as dumb, or the teachers as useless - it may be a variety of subtle things that are drawing potential away from your learning.

Make things more interesting for you and you will start learning more effectively. Simple things, like learning to listentaking notes and being more organized can maximize your learning potential more than you'd ever imagine.

1. Figure out which learning styles work best for you. The basics are learning byseeing, doing, and hearing. Think back on something you remember well from class; was it a hands-on activity? Did the teacher give you a detailed essay? Were you given a handout? Once you know how you learn it can be done better. There are also tests available on the internet to determine your learning style

2. Benefit by doing. Hands-on activities are great, as they stick in your memory and help you more:
  • When you perform experiments in class, make sure that you concentrate.
  • Actually write down notes, even when they're not required during a lecture. The more open your mind is, the faster information will stick.
  • Alternatively, instead of taking notes, record the lecture on a mini-recorder and devote your attention to listening; use the recording to create notes afterwards. This extra step takes time, but makes use of what psychologists call the "dual-coding hypothesis", where you are more likely to learn something if you experience it in two different ways (i.e. listening and writing, in this case) 

2. Rid yourself of distractions while learning. Cell phonesmusic, and your chatty partner distract you from your instructor. Sit in a suitable place, as classes are for concentrating, not talking to your friends. Keep valuables in a bag, or far away enough for them not to attract your attention.

3. Establish good relationships with your teachers. If you hate your teachers, then you will have a lot of trouble learning. Be polite and show respect, and put in some effort, and your teachers will hold a liking for you that will make classes more pleasant.

4. Set small goals for yourself. For example, take notes during class, and at the end of the week, see if you can write a short essay based on the material you've been learning. Before you begin a new unit, write down some questions on the topic, and at the end of each lesson, see how many of them you can answer. Each time you accomplish a goal, reward yourself by buying a CD or item of clothing, going out and having fun, or just taking a break.

5. Make things more interesting by figuring out a way to make classes more pleasant. Finds ways to motivate yourself:
  • Find something about the topic you are learning that interests you and focus on learning as much as you can about it. The more you want to learn, the more you willlearn.
  • Find a "study buddy" - that is, a friend or classmate to study with. Hold small tests/quizzes for each other, discuss things you don't understand or that interest you, or take notes together. Having someone's company can motivate you more.
6. See if you can summarize what you learned into a little notebook after class.Jot down a sentence or two that you can look back and recall the day with.

7. Ask for help if you're struggling. Many people don't do this. If you find you are struggling, know that almost all teachers want to help you catch up. See if your school has a resource room you could use during study halls or go directly to your teacher.

  • If you're having trouble understanding your course's material, ask for help from a teacher, parent, or from a classmate who grasps the concept. Don't be embarrassed, or feel stupid, because your studies are very important, and any problems that you're having deserve to be addressed.
  • Try to be more observant. Inside and outside of class, practice listening and remembering details. Think of classes as another way to sharpen your observational skills.
  • If your school offers tuition or any kind of special help, consider going for it.
  • Set yourself a large reward to motivate you overall. For example, allow yourself to buy an expensive item or do something luxurious if your overall grades have improved greatly.
  • A bad relationship with a teacher can mean they are harsher when marking tests, or not as lenient if you forget your homework or get into trouble. It doesn't happen all the time, and you shouldn't suck up to anyone, but keep in mind that teachers can have grudges, too.
  • If you grades/learning has been very low or bad, then it will take time and determination to bring that up. Stick it through, and things will improve.
I hope this points covers the necessary things you should keep in mind to improve your learning skills. If you have any suggestions on any issue feel free to comment.

Advice for Students: 15 things students must know and try to follow

  1. Get organized! Pretty self-explanatory, that one. But here’s a few things you an do to make that vague advice a little more practical:
  2. Write everything down. Divide the notebook into sections for your todo list, projects (stuff that takes more than a step or two to finish, e.g. research papers, club activities, etc.), and notes. Stick that and a nice pen or mechanical pencil in your pocket, purse, or backpack. Carry it everywhere. Use it. Religiously. Write down assignments, appointments, trips to the library, shopping lists, phone numbers, classroom numbers, everything and anything that crosses your mind.
  3. Review your lists regularly. Weekly, if you can. Bring your todo list up to date. Write down your upcoming deadlines. Make sure you haven’t forgotten anything important, and brainstorm your ideas for the coming week.
  4. Have an inbox. Pick a place in your dorm room or apartment or wherever you end up living and put all your new stuff (assignments, papers, books, things you bought at the store) there. Go through it every day and put everything where it belongs.
  5. Organized doesn’t necessarily mean “clean”, just keep a general system so you know that what you need is somewhere you can find it. Remember that you need ideas, too — write them down and keep them safe!
  6. Know your professor. Check out your professors’ bios on their departments’ websites. Google their names. Look them up in whatever research databases your school’s library makes available to you. Pop in for a chat during their office hours. You don’t have to get creepy — don’t go through their garbage or anything like that. Just find out something about their work, what their research interests are, what sort of stuff they’ve written, what their teaching philosophy is (many profs post that kind of stuff). Find out where your interests intersect with theirs, and what they have to offer you that might be outside the scope of whatever class you’re taking.
  7. Find a mentor. Seek out someone (or more than one, if you can) whose success as an academic, researcher, administrator, business person, artist, or writer inspires you. This may be a professor, but may well be someone outside the university altogether, too. Contact them. Tell them who you are and ask if you can meet with them some time. Offer to buy them a cup of coffee. Tell them why you admire them or their work, and ask if they have any advice for you. Offer our services as an intern or employee. Build a lasting relationship. 
  8. Visit the writing center. Or whatever other tutoring resources your school offers. Sign up for a writing workshop or study group. Regardless of how well you think you write, you can always write better. 
  9. Join something. Join a club or sports team, a gaming group or a knitting circle. Join the theater group. Nominate yourself. Check if your school offers a service learning program, and sign up. Volunteer. Develop leadership qualities by leading. Connect with as many people as you can, both because it’s smart networking and because it’s damn good fun. And you might change the world.
  10. Speak up. Maybe you were shy in high school. I was. Stop that. When the professor asks a question, raise your hand — regardless of whether you know the answer or not. Give speeches in the student union or on the quad during lunch time. Step forward whenever the opportunity arises. Give presentations in class, even if there’s an alternate assignment. Join Toastmasters. Become a self-confident and able speaker.
  11. Read for pleasure. No, seriously. This means two things: 1) learn to find pleasure in the reading you’re assigned, and 2) read stuff that isn’t assigned. Pick a topic that interests you and check out a book a week from the library. Read 10 novels this semester. Read literary magazines. Subscribe to RSS feeds, print out stories, and stuff them in your backpack for the random quiet moments that happen between classes, during meals, standing on line, or waiting for an appointment with a professor. Cultivate a thirst for knowledge above and beyond the subject matter of your classes.
  12. Set goals. What do you hope to accomplish this semester? Forget about grades — grades are bunk. What is it that would satisfy you, as a person, if you achieve it this semester? What do you hope to get out of your classes? Make a list of goals, both short-term (this month, this semester, this class, etc.) and long-term (during college, over the next year, within the next five years, etc.). Look at what you’re doing with your time; is it helping you reach those goals? Is it destracting from them? Of course, not everything has to contribute to helping you reach your goals for your life at 50, but if too much of what you do today seems to be at odds with where you want to be tomorrow, it’s time to re-examine either your goals or your actions.
  13. Start something. Write a play or a novel. Organize a theater group or a weekly movie night. Curate an exhibition of your friends’ art work in the library’s lobby, or start a musical group and hit open-mike nights. If your school doesn’t have one, start a humor magazine; if it does have one, start a better one.
  14. Fail. While I realize you are firmly under the thumb of the tyranny of grades, and would not advise jeopardizing your SCORES if you can help it, a little failure is often the best lesson you can learn, at school or elsewhere. Go out for activities you have no talent for, or that frighten you. Undertake Quixotic missions of protest against the administration, the school’s catering contractor, or the city government. Rally behind an unpopular candidate, whether for class secretary or for US Senator. Ask out a student that’s way out of your league. Apply for a job you have no qualifications for — without irony. Push yourself to do things that are well beyond your comfort level, if for no other reason than to assess the distance you’d have to cover to succeed at them.
  15. Know yourself. Learn your strengths and apply them. Learn your weaknesses and overcome them. College offers a unique time in your life when you can focus exclusively on self-improvement and personal development. Take advantage of it.                                                                                                                                                                     Obviously you won’t want to do every single thing I’ve mentioned here, but use these tips as a guide to build relationships, skills, and self-awareness, ostensibly the things you’re in school for                                                                                                                                                         If you have any advise of yours post that in comment box. it will be appreciated.